Ahoy there land-lubbers!
I am a proud boat co-owner! Yesterday a friend and I 'won' a tinnie on eBay. Some rooster tried to snipe us at the end of the auction, but Tony (nickname 'Suey') was on the ball and we got it for a pretty good price. We still dont have a motor yet (so we can fang it like a scalded cat), and i need a license to ride it on the harbour. Anyway, once i have that stuf sorted i'm going to be on the harbour catching kinfish and flatheads (kingies and flatties) and getting in the way of the ferries and generally being a fisherman larrikin type. I have used a number of Australian colloquialisms in this post to reflect just how Australian this event is. You can have all the sausage sizzles you want, drink VB, watch AFL, and make fun of foreigners, but until you have a boat, you cannot consider yourself Australian (which i don't, but i can if i want to now).
I want to call her The Kerrigan or The Joustin' Stick, or The Pool Room in honour of The Castle, but i'll have to confer with Suey.
nice one mate! good on ya greggles...
now all w need is to have a prawn barbie with lemon and gaahlic and some mangoes from up north..
that'd be right yeah?!
ps the kerrigan gets my vote
Aw yeah, 'onya Tals! I know she's as ugly as a hat full of arseholes, but she's (half) mine and i love her. I'm off for a meat poiy.
lolololol !!!!!
Oh god.
I think she looks like the kerrigan - hope you christened her with a couple of tinnies!
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