You can't debate about whether kittens or puppies are cuter and then three people vote neither! Phil and Greg stop fence sitting and vote for me! Stop the political apathy! Save cute kitties - change your votes!
Kerry, Tally and Hels I will not sit on your bed and purr for you. Paul I suspect you are the third fence sitter....
I voted for 'neither' twice - once at work and once at home. I love kittens, but i love monkeys more, so i want to get rid of the cat and dog thing and put up some monkey pictures.
I am for puppies all the way. Puppies that eat kittens for breakfast. Hell Yeah!
I will not let you into my house if i have kittens!
But Greg - I know you love kittens more than puppies and that is what the debate is about - not monkeys vs kittens! You should have put the day's cutest monkey picture up on the blog then!!!! Vote for kittens!
dude 'neither' isn't fence sitting. 'neither' is a vote for neither. I won't be forced into voting for either if both suck.
Woo hoo! Another vote for kittens!
Lionel done melted my heart.
I must agree - Lionel is a cutie...
Can't we get icanhascheezburger cats AND dogs? At least those are funny.
I tried adding the icanhascheezburger gadget but it didnt work.
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