while I am on the couch with the plague - and cannot hope to compete with the illness that is the beastie boys revelry - I thought i'd post a few bits n pieces. None earth shattering, just things I have been meaning to stick up for months.
Big news on the laan - well on the straat rather and blinde st to be exact is the arrival of ms youens. This is Paula's new house!! All the furniture is the previous owners still. Work has taken me to some new places in the past few weeks... most rural and all cold :) So far its been Senqu (far north eastern cape), Qwa Qwa and Amajuba in KZN. All amazing places that it would be fun to go back and actually explore properly, instead of sitting in meeting rooms and getting the plague.
and introducing the little church: off again on Sunday to ulundi :)
that house looks rad. I know Jan Youens doesnt ever read the blog so i will have to express my impressedness to her privately. Hopefully will let Emcee Krekin tag along when she goes furniture shopping.
AMAzing pics kerr!!!
think we need a catch up!
ya man the job is looking kool.
'the job'? eh wot?
Anyway, ja, nice pics Kezzah!
that house looks rad. I know Jan Youens doesnt ever read the blog so i will have to express my impressedness to her privately. Hopefully will let Emcee Krekin tag along when she goes furniture shopping.
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