As many of you know Paul played his first gig on Saturday night at the Tanz Cafe in Bryanston. The likes of Prime Cirlce, Louise Carver and numerous other South African bands perform there,not many bands that we all support, but famous in SA terms. Paul wasn't that keen on the venue as it doesn't really fit, Shooting School for Baddies, band profile or rather, their gig venue wish list. Nevertheless - they were a great success! All band members were rather nervous, but they soon relaxed and their performance created much foot tapping, wolf whistling and a venue packed with friends, wannabe groupies, locals and even a few parentals. Paul looked like a real ROCK STAR, playing his guitar, with a few little solo numbers thrown in. Well done! We are so proud to see you up on the stage looking so cool (and handsome). Mary has agreed to bring some extra underwear next time to throw on stage. Lara even went as far as making a comment about if she wasn't a lesbian Paul would be in trouble...
The band that they were supporting, the colour eight,managed to empty the room with their bad cover versions of U2 and Michael Jackson. The highligt for me, was when I realzsied that the main singer was in fact an old KTV presenter, who had hosted IDOLs for a while before being involved in some drug scandal.
Tanz cafe have even requested that they return this weekend!
SO keep an eye out for their GIG list - hopefully you can all come and support and share the music!
Lara took some footage from her cellphone - so the quality is not that great and iot sounds as if Alana is really screeching, (she has quite a deep voice). I will try and post it.
Still hoping for a special concert when I am in Jozi next week... The proceeds can go to the SPCA to save abandoned kittens as I am the only person who seems to love them!
Thats f*cking awesome. Playing live takes balls, nice one!
Ya Paul yo do look pretty handsome. Look forward to tossing you some sweaty boxers next Friday. Is the Troyeville gig on?
Only thing i would say is that 'The' bands are so hot right now. You should considering adding a 'the to your band name. It's like a Pioneer sticker on your car.
come to melbourne, come to melbourne.. HUGE indie music scene.... i would LOVE to have you and helly stay
Thanks guys.
I wanted to call the band The Kitten Killers, but I was outvoted.
Yay Pauly! Well done! You will have to play CT when your singer moves down - you have not made it until you tour :)
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