Wednesday, 3 June 2009

600 or so cases of swine flu in victoria... alone

cough cough


Greg said...

I'm still struggling to understand... if its not lethal, why do we care?

talya chalef said...

people have died greggles... it's a foreign bug.. a pig bug.. in our bodies.. freaking us out man...
and one of my friends has it.

Greg said...

How many people have died Tals, or more importantly, what proportion of people who have it have died?

Not suggesting its not a real threat, but theres a lot of fuss being made about something that seems relatively benign. FOR GODS SAKE PEOPLE, DONT YOU KNOW THAT THE FAT OLD SCOTTISH WOMAN DIDNT WIN THAT TALENT SHOW THING!

Kez said...

not to trivialise individual's and their families' suffering but Swine Flue when compared to HIV (also originally a foreign bug from apes)/TB/Malaria etc...?

Kez said...
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talya chalef said...

yes... true true..
need a bit of sa perspective..
living on the island can be a closed!!