... but why does everyone pretend to have been his best friend? As bad as the barrage of child molester jokes and unfunny email attachments that are being photoshopped as i write this, are the outpourings of faux emotion and soulless, inane platitudes that people attach to news articles or set as their Facebook status. Someone i know (but haven't seen in years and don't think very highly of) wrote this little gem as his Facebook status : "
Farewell MJ, a true genius of our ERA, your legacy will live on in our lives, so many memories.
Are you fucking serious? Did you know him? Do you think of him every day, light a candle for him between soap operas? Jeeeeezus! What the fuck is an ERA anyway? Capitalising doesn't make your mindspray any more meaningful. And if you're really mourning, why not do it privately?It's revolting, people these days have an opinion on fucking everything, even on the death of people they've never met, who's country they have never visited, or who they have never even seen in the flesh, even through binoculars. I blame the Internet. And Facebook. Just because you've been given a platform, doesn't mean you have anything of significance to say. I'm aware that the same could be said about this blog, but everything i say is of significance by virtue of the fact that it came from my lips, so your argument isn't valid.
Anyway, ja, its sad a dude died, a really talented dude at that, and its sad he led such an unhappy and tortured life, but I'm guessing everyone who pretends to be MJ's best chommie now that he's dead made at least 10 jokes about his child molestation case while he was alive, so pipe the fuck down.
I arrived at the office this morning to hear that 2 of our colleagues had been in tears already at the sad news.
thank you for making me laugh. you write so well and already we are forwarding you comments around the office....
Ooh! I'm an internet SENASIE!
SENSASIE that is. Thats what happens when you capitalise unnecessarily. You become stupid.
Shabat Shalom! You made me laugh - ja Mearl from Grasspark phoned in to Cape Talk this morning in floods of tears and has had o take the day off work to grieve!
Dude people think and say whatever they want about these things. Always have. The fact that they can now broadcast those thoughts to many more people than those in hearing distance is neither here nor there. The only thing you can blame the Interwebs for is the fact that you are accidentally exposed to such things; wouldn't have been possible in the past. So in that sense the Internet is great - shows us how many morons there are out there.
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