- Half of men, and three quarters of South African women listen to gospel music. Next most popular among men are House Music and Kwaito. Women prefer love songs and ballads.
- 5% of mothers aged 20-34 have attended a movie in the past 4 weeks. For women without children of the same age group, the proportion is 12%.
- 22% of adults (16+) say they do crossword puzzles at least once a month.
- 4.3 million adults attend a nightclub/disco/rave at least once a month. 91% of them agree or strongly agree with the statement 'People should be careful about what they drink'.
- 69% of urban South African adults think TV is a generally believable source of information while only 45% feel the same way about newspapers.
- There are 1.5m adults who participate in running or jogging in South Africa. 15% are heavy drinkers of beer, and 9% are heavy drinkers of energy drinks.
- 71% of South African adults watched SABC1 in the past seven days. 16% watched no TV at all. In 2000, the number of people who said they'd watched Etv in the past month was
- 9.7m. In 2008 it had grown to 20m. On any given week, roughly 2m of these viewers watch WWE Smackdown.
- 76% of urban adults who do not receive an income say they personally own, rent or have use of a cellphone.
- 5.9 million adults send SMS's on a daily basis. 9.5 million send a 'please call me' message, and 0.6 million send MMS's.
- 80% of households that live in shacks have at least one cellphone, up from 42% in 2005
Adapted from source: http://www.eighty20.co.za/, June 2009
1 comment:
I used to be one of the 2 million! And then I stopped. WWE sold out to commercialism.
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