Okay team, so this weeks did you know has a recycling theme (for those of you who have been spending time with me recently you will know about my new found excitement and love of PET)....
1. Aluminium cans are indefinitely recyclable and are back on the shelf six weeks after it enters the recycling process
2. 1 ton of plastic bottles (PET) saves about 4 barrels of oil
3. Each ton of recycled paper saves 17 trees, 225 kilowatt-hours of electricity and 22700 litres of water!
4. If you do a life cycle analysis on recycled goods versus good produced from scratch it always saves energy - recycling aluminium saves 96% while glass only saves 21% of energy.
Therefore it makes economic sense to recycle and you don't just have to be a hippy tree hugger! Not that I had doubts about whether any of you didn't believe in recycling...
I agree with most points, but having once printed on recycled paper, i've learned it is so vastly inferior to regular paper that it's a leap for the environment i'm just not willing to take.
Fact number 5: Prius cars are not energy saving over their life cycles. All those batteries are a bitch to dispose of.
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