Friday, 9 January 2009

My resolutions... sorta

Mine are a bit vague this year.

1 Sorta maybe start thinking about learning zulu.
2 Keep my job (or maybe not... ja, I dunno)
3 move house. Buy stuff for house. Try not to freak out that I own furniture.
4 complete my recording set up (Been on the list for 5 years now)
5 Sort the band out and play a gig (even if we have to use a drum machine)
6 Sort out my finances and start to save (unless of course i find something really cool to do with the money, like a rad holiday or sumfink.)
7 Get Phil to admit that he really loves the new Kings of Leon. ( I heard it blaring out your car when you were driving off last night)


Dr Phil said...

it was on UJ FM! and, if it must be played it may only be played really loud to capture the essence of its stadium cock-rockiness.

Paul said...

I feel the same way about Def Lepard

Kez said...

Down south we're thinking xhosa too :)

Greg said...

What will you be recording Paul? What are you going to (buy) use to record?

Paul said...

I mainly just need to get some proper software..... and a mic stand.... and maybe a pre-amp.... and a Gibson thunderbird bass would be rad too!
I'm thinking of getting the latest Logic.
I've been recording quite varied stuff. I seem to be equally bad accross all genres. I haven't tried to rap yet though......

Greg said...

Well if you need some acid house care of my nindendo, give me a call. I've got Ableton Live which is no good for recording, but its good entry level beat making software i think. If i had more time and was more serious i'd think about Logic or Protools, but i think Logic is supposed to be easier to learn.

Paul said...

Ja, I got a copy of Ableton. It's not so bad except that it needs lots of VST plug-ins to really become useful.
My guitar teacher has convinced me that Pro Tools is completely overrated, so the toss up was between Cubase and Logic. With Logic I think I can import and fix up all the stuff I've messed around with in Garageband, so that's swinging my decision. And the new version is cheaper...

Hows the music making on your nintendo going?

Greg said...

Yeah, you're right about Ableton, but i had all these grandiose plans of sampling vinyl and making beats from old disco records, but so far I've pulled some drums and vibes from one record and havent even managed to map them to my MPD properly (that fucking Impulse drum machine is a mystery to me). I really only have like 1/2 an hour to spend on it at a time, so i never really get very far. I'll take my macbook with me the next time i go to the UK and maybe make some progress there (better than drinking myself into a stupor which i what i usually do after work in Pooh-le). Thankfully, i've been making the most awesome squelchy techno on my DS. Flying to Singapoes tomorrow so will complete my latest composition during the plane ride and upload it.