It's Phil McCavity/McKrekin, Philimon, 2-beer Phil, Phil-me-up-Phily's birthday today. He's turning 29 i believe. Thats pretty young for someone who sent me an email today boasting that last night he made hollandaise sauce and it was 'not too lemony, not too thick. i'm fucking amazing'. Will somebody PLEASE take Phil out drinking tonight so that he doesnt try poaching eggs, or making meringue.
Oh ja, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Philimon. Buy yourself a beer from me (invoice me, i'll have my secretary sort you out).
dude i saw the same picture when i was looking for recipes! it's much better with fresh asparagus. that tinned stuff is awful.
You've missed the point.
hope you had a good day philly
Thank God that is not a plate of your food phil, oherwise I would be forced to retract my earlier comments and give you some food presentation lessons - not to mention the lesson on how tinned asparagus is not real food but slime...
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