So as Kerry said, we went to 'First Night' which is the first night of the Sydney Festival where the organisers put on a whole load of free concerts over multiple stages all over the city. Last year i caught the end of Chromeo, and a very shitty performance by Spank Rock (though to be fair, their sound sucked). Anyways, this year, they had some pretty big acts, including Mr Scruff, A-Trak, and Grace Jones (so like, shes a diva, but her music sucks!). Still burping up dumplings and eggplant, Kerry, Ros and I ran up to Hyde Park to catch Santogold, who ROCKED THE PARTY. She also didnt lose her cool when people threw glo-sticks at her and her dancers (apparently thats how Australians show appreciation for free concerts). She was super stoked to be playing the gig it seemed (or is a great actor) and slammed through almost her whole album (and some of the stuff she did with Diplo) in about half an hour. We had to push through throngs of pilled-up boguns to get close to the stage (and stand in some recently ejected vomit) but it was totally worth it. She was great. Pics by KP.

Anyways, after that we headed over to the 'mature young adults and oldies who still smoke weed' stage where the Dap Kings were playing some steaming funk and were about to bring on Sharon Jones. Now, when i say Sharon Jones is ugly, it doesn't mean she isn't sexy. As it happens she actually isn't sexy, but she sure thinks she is, and that makes her really entertaining to watch. She also has a beautiful and powerful voice and loads of stage presence, so she totally rocked that stage for about an hour. She ever brought some douche onto the stage (she was going to sing to him) but he jumped on stage, did a collar pop, and started strutting around like he owned the place... so she booted him off the stage for disrespecting her and her band!! The crowd applauded LOUDLY. Sharon 1 Douchebag 0.

If you're in Singapore this weekend - holla at me!
looks pretty rad. was santogold really free?
Ja, all the concerts were free, and not Jew-free either!
Are you on your way to the UK again? Or is it just business in Singapore?
Just business in Singapoes. Eating like a king!
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