New Years Resolutions
- Blog more
- Fish more
- Read Pitchfork less (haters get me down)
- Find a new flat
- Make more mixtapes
- Go to Lake of Stars
- Run a race
- Make some music
- Make detailed plans for Vietnamese noodle soup restaurant in Cape Town - coming winter 2012!
- Finally tie the knot with Philimon
- Take more photos like this:

fisheye! they look rad. there's a lomo store in cape town now too. not in joburg. surprise.
Ja, the scanner is a bit kak, so they look better in print. Just crying out for some Beastie-style shots.
i'm crying out for my 'listen to paul's boutique' tshirt. SAPO sucko.
Your photos look damn cool - please send me some!
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