Sunday, 16 March 2008

Rock out!

Ok, so this isn't a record i've had for ages (in fact i only got it yesterday, along with some other rippers at my new favourite record store). The Cult rock, well, at least the used to. This is the 12" long version of She Sells Sanctuary. The record crackles a bit, but it's a nice loud pressing. Good for :
  • Rocking out in the shower
  • Long road trips (to Mozambique?)
  • Video montages of training athletes


Dr Phil said...

that song was the bizniss back in the day. rick rubin produced that album, no?

Greg said...

Nah, he produced the Electric album with l'il devil on it.

Paul said...

Those guys rocked!

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Greg said...

lol! Great, a bot thinks we're 'likeable'.

Dr Phil said...

dude i just listened to the whole album for the first time in yeeears. damn, yo, it's kak.

Greg said...

Ag its dated man, I mean it's no Appetite for Destruction, but it's not kak!

Greg said...

Ag its dated man, I mean it's no Appetite for Destruction, but it's not kak!