I'm not going to 'do a Phil' and paste a whole article, including adverts, but do yourselves a favour and read this piece on Facebook. It could do with some paragraphs and better editing, but the facts are all there... DON'T BE A SUCKER!
from Afric's rugged hinterland
I'm no massive supporter of facebook, but if you're gonna stop using it just because they gather information about you, you might as well stop using the internet altogether. If you're selective about the information that you put up, you'll find that facebook will have far less info on you than google has.
You reckon? I don't mind the demographic/sales/interest information that Google gathers, because its not tied to me particularly (though i did choose to give them some personal information when i signed up, but i can remove this) its the fact that everything is tied to you personally in Facebook. Its all the personal details that they are privvy to that disturbs me, but thats just in my head really, i guess Google could access that stuff too, and they know more about my habits online. But still, i can take advantage of Googles products without giving them this information, and (as far as i know) removing it when i no longer want them to have it.
The real reason I hate Facebook is, as the author said, they they are unecessary mediators in otherwise healthy relationships. And some right wing fuck is making money out of me. That sucks too.
i dig it cos it got me a shag. JOKES. but it is the easiest one stop shop for gigs these days. so there.
and it has not replaced talking or going to the pub or normal human interaction for me or anyone I know. Any loser who stays at home on a sat night drinking and on facepoep would have been home alone on a saturday night drinking anyway, except without any interaction with other humans, except for maybe TV.
and since the CIA has a venture capital/investment arm (as does the ANC and many many other explicitly politically oriented organisations), how do you know that half of the other things you partake in or pay for also do not further one political agenda or another? unless you wanna be a subsistence farmer you can't realistically worry about that sort of thing.
ah, lovely healthy debate :) We all know my feelings on facebook (I do not need another reason to be online right). I have to be honests though, I didn't get to the end of the article... too long for me.
Yeah it was a bit lengthy. I wonder if he wrote it on a saturday night while drinking a beer. He's not on facebook, so he didn't know where the party was.....
ya he be a sad loser who could only make like 5 friends in 6 months. why else would he talk about that whole 'how many friends you have' 'issue'. only people with no friends care how many friends other people have!!!!
Ja, i admit i dont get party invites on FB, but then I'm busy enough thanks, so i dont really feel like i'm missing out on anything.
I dont care that the CIA or any political organisation knows about me, I just dont want some rich neocon douchebag making money out of me. Maybe i'd feel better about it if Oxfam were part owners, or MSF or someone who does good in the world. Well, maybe not oxfam, they suck.
oxfam do suck. at least we agree on that.
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