The whole basis of Zuma's case is that there is a political conspiracy against him, led by Mbeki, and co-opting state institutions like the NPA. The whole arms deal saga stinks more than a load-shedded waste water treatment plant. There is no doubt in anyone's mind that most if not all of the cabinet knew what was going on and either turned a blind eye or got actively involved. Mbeki was head of the procurement committee ffs. There is also little doubt that Zuma was the fall-guy. So he's probably guilty, but he's probably also right about a conspiracy. Exactly how that amounts to a defence is that Koos advocate's job to figure out, but he's pretty darn smart.
The NPA bungling and generally weird behaviour in the Zuma case, the rape stuff (which the cynic in me can't help thinking was a set up), Mbeki's continued denial that ANYONE else was involved - effectively arguing that a guy with a standard 5 bantustan education and who learned to read on Robben Island managed to orchestrate a complex web of corrupt deals that none of his peers knew anything about; and of course dismissing out of hand all of Andrew Feinstein's evidence - all adds up to a lot of kak in my view.
Mbeki going to Mauritius 3 weeks after Zoooms was there just fuels the fire, deepens divisions, encourages faction fighting, screws the country further. What a doos.
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