Some shit that has been rocking my world lately. YEAH!
WOOHOO! I'm in a good mood for no reason, which is the best kind of good mood because you don't over analyse it and get ourself down again. AWESOME! OK, here are some things that in some way or another have attributed to my good mood.
- Excercise - i hate to admit it, but its good for you, and makes you feel good too. I have been unfit for too long, but i am on the (long, circular) road (around Sydney park) to recovery.
- This documentary about 'competitive gaming' is awesome. No Al, not the kind of competitive gaming we saw on Thai TV with thousands of sad Koreans boys playing virtual tennis against each other in a huge orgy of nerdus. This movie is kind of about losers, but its a 'nice guys finish first' story, and its so well put together and heartwarming that i kind of wish i hadn't bought a pirate copy in Malaysia and had actually supported the filmmakers. Anyway, see it.
- Dolph Lundgren - I was reading this blog, and there was a post about Dolph Lundgren the other day. I was thinking that it was kind of tongue in cheek (its not). Anyway I learned all of this amazing stuff about the man. Did you know that Dolph Lundgren is a Chemical Engineer who studied at Swedens best engineering research university, then did a masters in Chemeng at the University of Sydney? Ja, serious, and he got a Fulbright scholarship to do (I assume PhD) studies at MIT. FIRRIZZLE! And loads of chicks want to do the humpty dance with him. The similarities between the two of us are uncanny, and plus i do an awesome Dolph Lundgren/He-Man impression. He took the sentence 'I do not want these innocent people to die' and transformed it into a single word that sounds something like 'idunottawannatheseinnocenpeopledoodie'. There you have it: Dolph Lundgren : engineer, actor, heart throb, orator.

- Records - I don't really want to bang this drum again, but seriously, where is the fun in paying to download music from iTunes? I don't get it? You get no awesome gatefold cover, you get no liner notes to read about the artist/album/label, you get so sense of satisfaction at having searched through lots of kak you don't want to find something that you do. Basically if downloading music from iTunes were a smell it would be like smelling the recentl flaming armpit of a guy who works in a sewage plant and is allergic to deodorant after a hard days work cleaning pooh. Vinyl is like the smell of fresh citrus blossoms as you take a sip of freshly brewed coffee to wash down a fragrant rasher of crispy bacon (or makin, in my case). Don't be a sucker, get a record player.
- Swimming with whale sharks in Mozambique - be assaulted by the awesomeness of these shots i took about 3 years ago. Man that thing was BIG!

Ciao for now. Baai!
how long is the long road fatty?
the long, circular road. how long is it?
oh right. Well, it's more of a rectangle actually, and its about 2 and 1/2 km
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