Is a writer. She wrote a book about her childhood and early adult years a short while ago, but i wont post that on the blog, because you should buy it rather (click the pic!). I don't feature, in case you're wondering. In fact, I've only met her once.

Anyway, the point of this post is to tell you that you can read her new little story on McSweeney's
here. She also wrote a naughty sestina a while back for McSweeney's, and you can read that
here. For Free!
All my love,
Did you know that a sestina is a highly structured poem consisting of six six-line stanzas followed by a tercet or envoy, for a total of thirty-nine lines or were you hoping we just wouldn't look it up? Nerd.
Yes, i did know what a sestina was, but only after Googling it. I expected you to do the same. Did you notice that the word that ends each line is rotated? Clever neh!
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