The Australian bush fires are crazy, and that people died is really awful, but the way the commercial television stations here have hammed the whole thing up into some international catastrophe, you'd think it was more important than a fucking war or something. Really, it makes me want to be sick all over my Wallaby jumper - Luke Watson style. Some Australian troops killed five children in a gunfire exchange with the Taliban this last week, but we'd all rather not talk about that WHEN SOME TRUE BLUE FAIR DUNKUM AUSSIES HAVE SAVED A DEHYDRATED KOALA!! Chill the fuck out, really, the fires suck, but the fact that you're living in a state with a really sound social safety net should ease the pain. Oh, and i don't own a Wallaby jumper - what do you take me for??

I saw The Wrestler last night, and goddamn! its sad, but its also excellent. It makes a big, runny, lamb vindaloo pooh all over Slumdog Millionaire, which i thought was a big pile of arse. That Darren Aronofsky guy is a genius. He made me cry.

I was also thinking the other day how Asako Kishi is really the only judge on Iron Chef with standards. That snivelling Shinichiro Kurimoto always panders to the Iron Chefs, and Mayuko Takata just giggles and loves anything the chefs put into her mouth (ANYTHING!).
Anyways, I'm tired and pissed off. Its been a long week.
Shabbat Shalom.
i know the author of the book that became slumdog millionaire - he's second in charge at the indian high commission in pretoria. he's a really nice guy. i'll let him know some jew in australia hates his story and all hindus.
Dude, have you seen the movie? Total kak, love story wank. Danny Boyle has a habit of fucking up good books though, so I'm sure the book is great, it's just the film adaptation that is a steaming pile of turd.
You need to come home and make noodle soup.
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