In much perkier news, apparenly Joost van der Westhauzen (for our British readers) het 'n seks-video gemaak (for our native readers). Heat magazine think's this is the biggest thing ever in the whole world. Their cover story has been "UPDATED X4!". Fokkin uitstekend werk mense!
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Jesse Duarte is a muppet... and Joost has a seks-video! (haai man nee wat?!)
In much perkier news, apparenly Joost van der Westhauzen (for our British readers) het 'n seks-video gemaak (for our native readers). Heat magazine think's this is the biggest thing ever in the whole world. Their cover story has been "UPDATED X4!". Fokkin uitstekend werk mense!
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Apparantly Joost says that he has proof that it's not him in the video: firstly he says that he has a secret tattoo in a place that would have been revealed in the video (ie his ass); and secondly that the person in the video has a much bigger penis than he does...?! Now if he does have said tattoo, I'm not sure why he wouldn't just show the world, and save having to admit to his teeny schlong.
Hey Phil, why do you always post the pictures as links to the hosting site? Why dont you just download the pic and repost it? That way you wont have The Simpson Family, or the Times visitng our blog wondering why the hell we keeping checking out their pictures. Just a thought.
hey greg, downloading and re-uploading pictures is a pain in the ass.
Hey Phil, didnt your dad teach you that sometimes the fastest route isnt the best?
Hey greg, no.
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