Thursday, 12 November 2009


Jacob Dlamini, a Business Day columnist, just rose to the top of Julius's and Jimmy's hit list. He must secretly be a Zille sycophant. But of course! That's what everyone who disagrees with the ANCYL is. Here.

Watch out for the inevitable Floyd Shivambu backlash to his boss being called a thug by this right wing counter-revolutionary coconut. Because need I remind you, Floyd means what he says and says what he means!

1 comment:

Paul said...

I've found it quite comforting how many black professionals and academics have responded to this Eskom/ANCYL/BMF issue by saying that they are sick of blackness being used as a commodity, or a racism used as a defense against kak performance. That argument has always been valid, but has previously always come from white politicians or columnists, and thus has just seemed loaded.