Thursday, 26 November 2009

Ahem, Mr President,

don't be a doos!

The new NPA boss used to run the organisation I currently work for. Everyone here who knew him said he was never too bothered with this whole independence idea, or being objective, or acting without fear, favour, or prejudice. Now he's running the most important cog in the state prosecution machine. This is about as close as the ANC has got to making a mockery of the Constitution, in my humble opinion.

AND, AND, not to state the obvious, but there's now no way Mabandla will be investigated now for tampering with Pikoli (ex-NPA head), nor will the NPA reinstate proceedings against Zuma.

All swept under the carpet nice and tidy like.

Can't wait for the Zapiro on this one. Fucking disappointing.


Paul said...

Yeah, that appointment is shameful.
And with that goes the hope that Mr Z would not turn out to be as bad a president as we originally expected.

Kez said...

its a goody