It's pretty rad, this new Mail and Guardian site. You can totally 2.0 the fuck out of your online MG experience.
The first title story of the new site? Julius Malema is still a doos. He's been instructed by the Human Rights Commission to retract and apologise, and even JZ, the object of Julius's passion, isn't comfortable with the little firebrand. Julius not only won't do what he's told, he has also now accused the media (aka third force) of distorting his words and launching a sustained attack on his character and that of the ANCYL, to discredit the organisation's good work.
That, ladies and gents, is my favourite joke so far this year.
The speach was frikken shown on TV. How the fuck did the media distort that?
Oh ja, and the new site is cool. looks a bit like the NYTimes site.
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