I don't know how many of you have seen this but it is funny - Herman the giant Greman rabbit! He weighs in at 22 pounds and measures a little over 3 feet. he is a breed of rabbit called german giant. This is his owner, Hans Wagner, struggling to hold him up. "We don't feed him an unusual diet said Wagner. He goes through more than his brothers and sisters, but he eats the same food mix. His favorite food is actually lettuce. He can never get enough of it."
Ja, did you see that the north koreans were breeding huge rabbits to eat? For serious, they were declaring the giant rabbit as the cure to their food shortage problems (that was a few months ago though). I wonder what the germans were breeding them for? OY VEY!
that's bladdy cute.
Cute - Ja - but dangerous too I'm sure. Look how he's glaring hungrily at the camera. I'm sure he'd eat you up one time. I can almost here him muttering under his breath 'If the lettuce ever dries up Hans-my-boy I'm having you for lunch.'
Ja vol! I am only 5.4 feet and I am not sure about meeting herman in a dark alley. But maybe he is really friendly and small children can ride on his back as he hops around the garden. But then again, rabbits do have teeth and his back legs could give you a massive kick!
we all know how I feel about bunnies, but even I find Herman cool. Don't want him in my house though.
Fran, don't be offended! Loved the graph, but just had nothing useful to add to it.
Not like my insights into the man-eating nature of giant greman rabbits!
Although I do wonder what Hillary would do if she ran out of lettuce....
i'm your favourite hey fran.
No worries franci - I am amazed and this many comments about a bloody rabbit! Did like your graphs though ;) and no offence taken! x
Oh yes!!! Very much in order. When shall we have a skype date?? I am always a fan on tomoato soup so will have to go to Tescos to get some!
hi hon - sunday is not good for me as I am away for the weekend - off to see greg. and my flight only gets in at 10:30 so will have to postpone it? maybe one evening your time? let me know xxx
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