Tuesday, 15 April 2008


So there's this internet 'phenomenon' called Vernon Koekemoer. Vernon (OMG not his real name) is this guy.

This Vernon sighting occurred at the most recent H20 party in Boksburg. Hard to believe - I know - but you can tell it's Boksburg by the two douchebags on Vernon's left. Since then bloggers and Facepoepers have gone wild with Vernon, making him faymiss (yes there's a Facekak group called Make Vernon Koekemoer famous). He's a real dude - people see him in the gym a lot, apparently.

Anyway, no-one really cares about Vernon. Except for me of course, and that high quality satellite tabloid news network, Sky News. No really, watch the clip.

Now for the cool part:
Your reward for suffering this far. The only reason I know about any of this is because I occasionally read a blog written by an acquaintance with a penchant for karaoke house parties, Haddaway (what is love?), and second-hand (or home-made) clothing. She's won quite a few SA Blog awards, because she's funny, and writes well. This Sky News clip, the very clip linked-to in this here blog-post, quite clearly features said acquaintance's blog, in bold, blue Arial, right underneath Vernon. Whatever you say about Vernon and the teenage kid obsession with poking fun at him, having one's very own blog splashed across a Sky News insert is pretty fucking cool. So I don't mind giving her like at least 2 referrals from our blog.


Greg said...

In my dreams, Peas is the sexiest woman alive. After Karen O, that is.

Paul said...

It's been 2 days without a post on this here blog!
Has everyone been stunned silent by Vernon's klassy shooos?

Greg said...

I am embarrassed to say that i once owned a pair of Buffalos, similar to those worn by Vernon. What is worse, i lived on dry bread and water for weeks so that i could afford them. 'Strue.

I should add that my younger brother wore them years later with some super baggy wu tang clan jeans, and a fishnet shirt. I dont think he was being 'ironic'.

Dr Phil said...

i recall borrowing those for a night out in lundun. i had about 5 kinds of product in my hair too. fun times.

Greg said...

I might even post a picture from said night tomorrow. I believe i have it in my drawer (not sure why).

Paul said...

We're waiting in anticipation for that picture......