Sunday, 6 April 2008

My music update

There's been quite a bit of hype about the wave of American and European musicians doing a take of the old afro high-life and township styles in their music (sometimes more a take of Paul Simon or Peter Gabriel doing a take on these styles, but fun nonetheless). Vampire Weekend and Yeasayer have got the most acknoweldgement from this hype, but a canadian band called the Acorn are doing some great stuff that so far seems to have slipped beneath the radar. Check this out....


Paul said...

The youtube quality is actually pretty kak. Try this out for better quality.

Dr Phil said...

i don't get the vampire weekend hype. i think they try to hard and sound waaay too shiny and packaged. yeasayer is pretty rad tho.

in fact most music with good percussion gets my vote. usually.

Paul said...

Listen out for The Annuals. I haven't heard there stuff recorded, but I caught a couple of songs live in DC. In one song they had everyone in the band except for one person playing percussion. It was rad.

Greg said...

Must agree with Phil there. I don't understand all the hype about Vampire Weekend. They sound like a bad South African band, and if we can do the styel better, why do we revere foreigners who do it so fucking badly?

Greg said...

That said, i keep seeing more and more in the blogosphere about Blk Jks, who are getting hyped to shit at the moment. By everybody. Good on 'em...

Paul said...

Must admit that I dig Vampire Weekend. It's simple and poppy, but the melodies are good.

I still haven't caught BLK JKS. Everyone who has says they're outstanding. But the only track I've heard didn't inspire a second listen. The album will be out soon though I think.

Greg said...

Yeah, i wasn't too thrilled with the track i heard either, but apparently they rock live, and EVERYONE is talking about them.