Tuesday, 19 February 2008


For those living in SA this is unbelievably exciting. For those living elsewhere (actually only Grek), I don't care if this seems like lame news.

21st century here we finally come!

Bandwidth at ‘fraction of today’s cost’
Lesley Stones

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Information Technology Editor

THE price of international bandwidth will plummet 80% when the Seacom undersea cable goes live on June 17 next year.

Seacom will be the first of several proposed cables to finally reach African shores and local universities have already been promised international bandwidth for just 2,5% of the fee they currently pay.

Seacom president Brian Herlihy said the $600m, 17000km cable running up Africa’s east coast, then on to India and France, was on track for a “dead-certain delivery date”.

Its bandwidth will cost as little as R267 a month per 1MB, compared to between R3500 and R11000 to use Telkom’s bandwidth on the existing Sat-3 cable, or a punishing R231000 for satellite connectivity.


Greg said...

That is good news, but those number dont make sense. 267 Ront for 1MB is obviously a typo, but what is the actual amount? 1TB maybe? Can't be. Firreal though, stop complaining, i have a friend whos dad in Colomba has Sri Lankan state of the art... dial up.

Greg said...

Colombo, sorry. Typo.

Alex said...

Thanks Phil - what are Fran and I? Chopped liver??

Dr Phil said...

no man greg's the only one living outside sa who thinks all exciting developments here are like 2 years behind the rest of the world, and therefore lame... Ask him - he'll tell you.

Greg said...

No doos, i said that in terms of live acts, SA is about 2 years behind the rest of the world, i didn't say that SA was lame, or that that was the reason for its lameness. Come on Phily, have a beer, relaaaaaaax guy!

talya chalef said...

hey ally, i live outside SA too... jeez..
you stay in my bed for months.. you eat my chicken soup.. you share my life.. and then wham I'm chopped liver!!!?
its okay.. no it's okay....
I'm coming To Edinburgh... he he he ..
and philly -that is great. this means you can finally see those youtube videos that i post!

Dr Phil said...

ok ok no-one other than greg is chopped liver, cos he's a buzzkill. the rest of you, inside or outside SA, are fab.

and ya cheap streaming media content will be my new best friend in a couple years. Wahoo!

Greg said...

Good grief.