So i have finally got around to digitising my vinyl (well i finally got around to earning enough money to digitise my vinyl, cos it aint cheap!). So i thought i would post some of my favourites as i make 'em digital (it's a bit naughty, but i don't plan on posting any Britney, so who is gonna care?). I'm still getting the hang of the software, and the track manipulation, so hopefully the quality will get better as i get used to it...
First up is a track from a 12" i bought a few years ago. It was a Ubiquity compilation and the track is a cover (original by The Mighty Riders/Ryeders) that the observant among you will note was sampled by de la soul for A Rollerskating Jam Named Saturdays. Anyway, it's a bit of a ripper... I couldn't find a picture on Discogs and my camera phone is crap at taking any pictures of objects less than, actually, its just crap at taking pictures, so no pic this time.
Please pardon the shitty download website with all its pop ups...
Looking forward to my CD!
use firefox - no more popups, ever.
upload to divshare please?
You said zshare was fine?
no dude i said zshare is the one i can't get at WITS. divshae and yousendit are a-ok.
my bad! But you took so long to reply that i just posted it on zshare. Divshare next time.
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