Saturday, 5 January 2008

My Best of 2007 - Better late than never....

Best new beauty product: Only one winner - Lucas's Pawpaw cream from Oz!
Best TV series: Grey's - I'm addicted and we download weekly episodes from the States
Best new general knowledge trick(?): Naming all the states of the US
Best abitary achievement: Smashing a wooden board with my hand
Best reads: Bitter Fruit, Boy in the Stripped Pyjamas, A Thousand Splendid Suns, The Cloud Atlas, oh there are lots more, I have had a year of reading
Best historic place: Ponsavan & plain of Jars in Laos
Best shower: Kampot, Cambodia after staying on an island with no running water or electricity for 3 days
Best seafood: Pepper Crab, Cambodia
Best thing in my handbag: Credit Card for emergancy hospital visits
Best prize: iPod nano
Best wild animal: Blue lizards in Thailand (they are real Greg!)
Best gluten free discovery: Lemon Polenta Cake made with Ram
Best shopping: Hoi An, Vietnam
Best early morning coffee: Dench, Melbourne followed by Black Medicine in Edinburgh
Best discovery: eating snow

Likewise a lot of mine are simular to yours and I'm pleased we've had such a happy year. Here's too 2008, my lovelys!

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