HAPPY 2008-and-great TO YOU ALL!
As I do not have any pics of the new years revelry i am borrowing from Hels' selection of our little camping expedition to Beaverlac in the interim:
The Great Gazebo Debate: poles numbered 1 to 6, hmm any ideas?
Who goes camping without tent poles?? Thank god for a tree and some rope eh?
Eubel and his mushrooms
This game of rummy got heated, a massage was the winning prize and it was hotly contested
Yoga under the aforementioned gazebo
Totem Pool's distinct rocks
Only pussies need tent-poles!
I admire your tenacity Kezzah, but it's just you and me against Zuckerberg, and lets face it, those American Jews are well connected. I'll fight the good fight though, even if i have to pester people into posting.
I am fed up with facekrack too and promise to be a better blogger in 2008. xx
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