Tuesday, 21 November 2006

Honkers is the shizzat

Hullo almal,

I recently went to Hong Kong. It rates in my top two cities ever visited (Shanghai being the other). Yes yes, the night shots are blurry. But I didn't have a tripod. And the water was choppy and the wind was blowing. So there.


talya chalef said...

wow phil, that night shot is awesome.. nice one..
sounds like a mad place..


talya chalef said...

wow phil, that night shot is awesome.. nice one..
sounds like a mad place..


Paula said...

But Phil what we really want to know is whether you counted 9 million bicycles in Beijing. Those are the really important questions. There's not a friggin bike in these pics just a big phallus building.

talya chalef said...

ahh love it paula..still the same.. lol!

Dr Phil said...

7 million according to Beijingers. And this is HK, where people are rich and do not need bikes. So there.