Hey guys...
with the arrival of my mom in Australia, only a few weeks away, my mom had to put Terry down.
Terry was fifteen human years, losing her hearing and wouldnt have been able to cope with Australian quarantine, being givn to anyone else or left behind...
So.. to those of you who remember coming on walks with Terry to Western Province Prep (to check out the new Stewards from England!) or even earlier days when I would walk Terry up Eden rd to check out Dani Berk or Sean Parkrose's houses, this is cheerio.. :-(
Ag sorry man, Tals...
Ya talli that's awful! Sorry to hear man. But 15 years is a damn good innings, so Terry should have no regrets.
Since when was your ma moving to Oz? She coming to live with you in Melbum?
goodbye terry...we will miss you.
hey guys, thanks for the thoughts and well wishes..
ja mom is coming on the 10th.. sold the house a few weeks back. All my stuff is coming in boxes.. weird.. and she'll probably settle in syndey with sis and fam.. but I think she prefers mels.. which is to be expected!!
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