Thursday, 19 August 2010

Decision Made - I'm gonna be a cowboy baby!!

Yip, last minute though it is, I have finally made my choice between the two ranches who offered me volunteer opportunities for the next couple of months.
It has been driving me a little crazy so decided to make a decision and the rest will follow (I hope!).

For those who I have not yet told about this (are there any of you who I have not yet told?!)... I found myself in the unexpected position of having time and flights to the US with no real plans of what to do while I was there. Decided it may be the universe offering the chance to fulfill a life dream and go play cowboy for a few months (having quit my job I was reminded by a very wise housemate that finding longer periods to duck out of your life is going to become harder and harder).

So, come the end of August I am flying off to the US and more specifically Colorado (yip, its gonna be CHILLY) to work for Duke and his team on the Chico Basin Ranch for three months! Its gonna be tough and at times I reckon I may be lonely but I am going to be riding, herding cattle and (hopefully) bison (!) and working with their kids conservation education programme.
Scared and Thrilled!


Dr Phil said...

Looks beautiful Kez. Will look even better covered in snow...

Will you be able to tell us, when you get back, what a dude ranch is?

Kez said...

A Dude Ranch-far as I know now anyway-is a holiday ranch, where they run it as an adventure holiday and you pay to stay and work (think City Slickers :))