Monday, 19 April 2010

Why are there Google Ads on our Blog???/

Ad Dynamo Pay Per Click Advertising

Okay if we are going to do ads on our blog then we need to use Ad:Dynamo and not Google! Gotta support our investments.....
And who put them on - Philly?


Greg said...

We havent started advertising, Phil just likes to copy and paste articles, without deleting the adverts. Tell Ad Dynamo we'd be open to advertising offers though. We dont get a lot of hits, but the hits are QUALITY.

Ad Dynamo Pay Per Click Advertising said...

Guys, great call! It's Sean Riley here from Ad Dynamo - call me to set it up: 021 467 8961

Dr Phil said...

Is this some Venfin investment Ally? And who, pray tell, is I care for my Team?

Paul said...

I care for my body too

But not sure if they're going to get the attention of the tummy-tuck market on joumaseblog