Monday, 12 April 2010

Calling idle minds!

The challenge (should you choose to accept)....

After conversations surrounding the only Billy Joel song I like, and the need for a current version I am wondering if anyone wants to play:

A "We didn't start the fire" for our lifetime.

After a small debate - 1980 to 2010. Good round numbers. Open to events/people from 1979 if well motivated though. Global.


Greg said...

Good idea Kez... I will give it some thought...

Dr Phil said...

what's wrong with mr piano man? i love that song.

1980 = I was born.

Do we have to come up with rhyming lyrics or just events/people?

Kez said...

at this stage just events - then we will try put them altogether :)

Greg said...

Hang on, can i clarify? What are we suggesting here? Wikipedia says WDSTF was about people blaming Billys generation for problems that had been around for a while before. Are we suggesting similar thing - our generation being blamed for things that have been around for a long time? I'm confused.

Kez said...

Greggles, you make a point. I did not read the fine print.
Think we should make it more simple and stick to significant events/people/moments that are defining our lifetime (not necessarily only the problems).

Hoping people will send me events etc and then will start forming it into something.

idle mind...

Paul said...

1980 - Iran Iraq war begins
- Zanu PF come to power in Zim
- Another Brick in the Wall Pt2 is bannes in SA
- Umkhonte we Sizwe continue armed struggle in SA
- SADF continue Angolan operations
1981 - Iran hostage crisis ends
- Attempted assasination of Pope John Paul II
- Egyptian president is assasinated
-JJ Rawlings overthrows H Limann as Ghanain president
- Charles and Diana marry