Thursday, 18 February 2010


ok mr blog master... can we have a vote please?
I think I am officially over these cats, their antics and their inability to speak properly :)
Can we vote to get ride of them? If I am outvoted, so be it.


Greg said...

Jeepers, she turns 30 and suddenly she's all pushy! Ja, i'll set up a vote or something when i'm back. Trying to apply for a job before my flight leaves this verkakte airport (Heathrow SUCKS!).

Kez said...

fly safe greggles!!!
PS I have always been pushy ;)

Dr Phil said...

I like the cats.

Kez said...

ok, that makes the score 1-1

Paul said...

Ja, I agree with Kez.

talya chalef said...

i'm with kerry...

Kez said...

mwahhh hahaha (evil laugh)... kitties are under threat it seems
Kitties Go: 3
Kitties Stay: 1

Greg said...

Make that Kitties stay : 2, and when alex checks the blog it will be 3!!

Dr Phil said...

ya and like, what blog constitution entitles kerry to call a smap election anyway? processes people! rule of law! bwahaha we do live in south africa don't we.

Kez said...

if alex doesn't log on often enough... that cannot be our problem
and if we are waiting for voters than I can rustle up a few more I am sure :)
PS at the risk of throwing any credibility what is a smap election?
Methinks you mean Snap?

Alex said...

I do log on often but some of us do actually work!
I vote for a revolving montage of cleo and charlie pics - they are cuter than the I can has cheezburger cat!

Kez said...

ally - I would rather have cleo and charlie than the cats currently on offer! At least we know c&c :) and I DO work :)

Dr Phil said...

sounds like a majority cat vote to me.

talya chalef said...

doooggggssss, come on people. dogs. they're friendly, cute and nicer than cats.
sorry ally, i haven't met yours yet.

Kez said...

or we could simply keep our fish - neutral and a good aethestic compliment to the blog design

Greg said...

I tell you what... if Alex puts her pictures of Cleo and Charlie into a Picasa album, then I'll add a gadget that will display them on rotation (and i'll get rid of ICHC) then everyone will be happy no?

Helz said...

Why does it have to be an animals??
we could link up our picasa albums and then see pics of people, places and animals that we know and r may have forgotten

Kez said...

I like Helen's idea!
common - gregory, please drop the cheesburger cats

Greg said...

OK OK cats are gone! I have tried to add the picasa gadget, but not having much luck. Will try again when i have more time.

Kez said...

thanks greggles!

Alex said...

Yay and I will add Cleo & Charlie pics - have some new cute ones of them sleeping on my laptop bag.