Jews, like any other cultural/religious denomination, have strengths and weaknesses. Some of our strengths are creating insular communities, nepotism, and xenophobia.
Some of our weaknesses are our general lack of sporting ability (that American swimmer and Joel Stransky aside), and for the most part, being dorks. Dorkdom is pretty hot right now though, and one Jew that does dork to the max is John Safran. He made a series a few years ago called John Safran Vs God, which is one of my favourite tv shows ever. His latest show is called John Safrans Race Relations, in which he explores issues of cultural identity - specifically whether one should marry/procreate within ones race or religion. It's a pretty broad topic, and he doesn't really do it justice, rather, he focuses on his own conundrum about feeling that he should marry a Jew, but being attracted only to Eurasians (pretty hot eurasians i might add). If I'm honest, this show isn't as good as his last but GADDAMN he does some stupid shit and it's funny all the same.

The website is here - made up cleverly to look like facebook (note his eurasian friends), and you can watch the last episode (screened last night) here. This last one was one of the best, so check it out sharpish before they take it down and make you buy the dvd.
Interesting Sidenote : Talya once met John Safran, and while her description of their meeting suggests that he may have been flirtatious, he never requested her number, and now we know why.
But this isn't a happy hanukah greeting grek. where's the festive spirit?
for the rest of you, john safran is a funny guy.
Have you seen the final episode yet? He gets properly crucified in the Phillipines, its pretty funny.
ja but what he does to his family and friend at the wedding is truly horrible. i respect's john's courage and humor (mostly) but this went too far...
Ja, it was rough, but i catn imagine that this is the worst thing he has ever done, so they must have seen it coming? Anyway, cant hep but think that at least part of their objection was to the fact that she was a moslem, so dont have too much sympathy.
God help you if you don't marry a Jew!
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