Americans are HUGE. Getting through crowds is a completely different proposition in this country. Strictly single file on the escalators.
Coffees are huge. Sandwiches are huge. It's ridiculous. And I landed at the same time as about a bazillion returning soldiers. And apparently our friends at the Department of Homeland Security would like me to know that the current airport threat level is ORANGE. Motherfuckers!
This place (Atlanta airport) is weird. Looking forward to Chicago though. Architecture, shopping, and maybe a museum or art gallery. Only have one day to myself. Oh ya and a blues bar somewhere maybe, but electric blues never really did it for me I must admit. Any other Chicago must-dos are welcome.
God you there already!!?? Have a great time!
Have a great trip Phillimon! Sad that you won't be able to join us for dinner this evening. xxx
After a few hours here maybe I was being unfair - our mamas and boere are at least as big if not bigger. We just have more space so they seem more manageable.
More to love Phil, more to love.
and you have to eat ALL on your plate.... ;-)
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