Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Did you know....

1. The only other animal host for leprosy (besides humans) is the armadillo
2. Recyled PET bottles are a main component of Polarfleece
3. Mark Twain is the pen name for Samuel Langhorne Clemens

Thats it folks! Now you know three more bits of useless information, unless they help you win booze at pub quiz. 

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Have a listen to this interview. It was innitiated by Floyd, he phoned in to defend himself, so his argument was pre-planned.

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Friday, 22 May 2009


Yay the two books I was working on for my old job have been published - one local and one international. This is the international one - only US$160 on Amazon! It's a hardback.

And this is the local soft cover. Only 169 ZARs.

Just in case you think I wrote them, well.... I did! Not. I wrote the intros and conclusions and co-wrote one chapter in each with my old masters supervisor.

The Doctor.

Monday, 18 May 2009


last night 891 rathdowne decided to eat potatoes and cabbage, drink vodka shots, wear really bad clothing and enjoy the entertainment of eurovision moskovye 2009!!!

Friday, 15 May 2009

4am automatic

I can't sleep. I'm watching Jimmy Swaggart explain to me what the US should do about Islam. The book is over 70 pages! Go to

The reason for my insomnia is not jetlag. There was a fire on my floor, in 1116. I'm in 1106. Chicago is obsessed with fire. They had that really big one back in the day that took out a third of the city, and now there are more fire engines than cop cars. At least that's how it seems. There's a firehouse on every corner (almost); you hear fire engine alarms at least three times a day; and while walking around downtown I've watched two 'fires' being put out already. Fire trucks, firemen, streets closed off, the works. Big crowds gather in the street - just like in the movies. But both times I didn't see any smoke.

Anyway this morning there definitely was smoke (can still smell it), but no fire brigade! Weird. The place I'm staying - the Union League Club of Chicago (yes it's as stiff as it sounds, complete with dress code) - seems to have its own fire department. We had all these people running around banging on doors and ushering us downstairs while other guys ran into the burning room with giant extinguishers. Was pretty surreal.

Ok I'm tired.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

A mosquito, my libido

I'm not a huge fan of Nirvana, or anything the Chilli Peppers have made in the last 10 years, but this is pretty badass...

From the TTL blog...

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

I know it's not news but

Americans are HUGE. Getting through crowds is a completely different proposition in this country. Strictly single file on the escalators.

Coffees are huge. Sandwiches are huge. It's ridiculous. And I landed at the same time as about a bazillion returning soldiers. And apparently our friends at the Department of Homeland Security would like me to know that the current airport threat level is ORANGE. Motherfuckers!

This place (Atlanta airport) is weird. Looking forward to Chicago though. Architecture, shopping, and maybe a museum or art gallery. Only have one day to myself. Oh ya and a blues bar somewhere maybe, but electric blues never really did it for me I must admit. Any other Chicago must-dos are welcome.

Friday, 8 May 2009

Crazy Thai Humour

Okay so I am breaking my one blogpost a week rule.
You have to love crazy Thai humour!

Sedgefield Pics

Hi Guys

So to add to Helen's pics, the pics of our weekend in Sedgefield are also up on Picassa. Needless to say that our weekend was a lot less active and involved lots of wine, some scrabble playing, relaxing and laughing.

P.S. Pic of the new house will be added next week as I am on a one blog post per week limit! 

Something to add to your 'To Do" list before you die

Hey All

We did the Otter Trail! It is definitely something taht everybody should try and do once in their life. WOW. It was truly beautiful. The scenary everchanging...Wild coast like beaches, completely isolated from the outside world (for 4 days), waves crashing, jagged rocks and then you'd step into the shelter of the forests, loerie's calling and water trickling. Time to clear your mind.

Awesome views and nature aside, it was (for me) a trip/trail of endurance and determination. Alot of yoga, streching and keeping a positive attitude assisted in making it a very rewarding experience. There were many steep climbs, stiff legs, rock climbing, river crossings, game drinking, energy boosting and creative culinary skills. And if you are lucky.. otter spotting. I wasn't one of the lucky ones as I tended to be at the back of the pack and also didn't fancy leaving my warm sleeping bag in the mornings to sit by the rivers in anticipation of maybe seeing one. But as a group we saw otters on numerous occasions which we've been told is quite lucky!

Have a look at picasa for some more of the pics....

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Parliament romance!!!

I... ummm.... errr... well ja!?

Wednesday, 6 May 2009


In the spirit of biting (because i'm all out of blog ideas at the moment) here is a heads up for some music you might like... I saw TV on the Radio at the Metro theatre a few months back, and both Max and I agreed that it was probably the best live act we've ever seen. Small theatre, band totally up for it, great sound, totally blown away.  Anyways, dont let my bragging get you down, rather listen to the concert yourself when the ABC broadcasts it on Monday. Its going to be on Monday night at 8pm which is round about midday South African time. Be there or be square...
A taster :

Ben Harper has a new band and album

Or at least he used a different (new) band for this latest album. AMG says it's quite good.

Friday, 1 May 2009
