Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Stuff that has been pissing me off lately

I am about to go out for some delicious tandoori and Halaal gelato (could i make that up?) so i'll make this brief. I think that the 300 year old virgin, who has a whole life of sexual angst pent up inside her badly styled hair and a mediocre voice isn't that exciting, but maybe wishing for her swift demise wasn't appropriate. I will however reserve my right to an 'I told you so!' when she releases an album of shitty Julie Andrews covers (or gott forbid, an Andrew Lloyd Webber tribute album). Shitty modern pop culture, you made this bed, now lie in it!

Anyways, what has really been pissing me off is a Facekak status update that i saw a few days ago. Now Philimon, don't tell me to stop checking Facebook, because i had no choice - I was retrieving a message someone sent, and i stumbled upon this ghastly status entry : 'What's on my mind? Teabagging'. WHO THE FUCK WRITES THAT AS A FACEBOOK STATUS? It's revolting. I don't care much for biting my tongue, but when i have a hankering for dirty dwarf sex with multiple, leathered mini-dominatrixes (a word? probably not) I keep it to myself.

What has also been pissing me off is my sore throat.

Also, the fact that two people were sacked at work last week (one was a good guy, and didn't deserve to lose his job, the other supported the England Rugby team, so he got what was coming to him).

Also what has not been pissing me off is K-Rudds stimulus bonus. Seems the tax office is staffed with people who cant count and they paid me the amount for people in a lower income bracket, so i got $900!!! For doing nothing! Thanks K-Rudd, that's going straight to stimulating my savings, your economy can get stuffed.


Alex said...

Ag man shame! No wonder you have been moaning so much lately. Just to set the record straight I don't think that Susan Boyle has the most amazing voice but she has guts to leave her hermit life style for the big time. Also her name freaks me out as Susan Boyle was one of our chemistry lecturers and she scared me in a kind of tough lesbian way. Glad you have free cash but don't get your ass fired! Okay, I will see you in 1 month and then you can moan about oz and how great SA is directly to us!

Greg said...

You shouldnt be so understanding of my moodiness, it only encourages me! 3 and 1/2 weeks to go until som tam time!