Wednesday, 15 April 2009


You know how you are threatened with university expulsion if you plagiarise? Seems this was lost on the geniuses running the NPA. Apparently large parts of Mpshe's statement on the Zuma charges are remarkably comparable to some obscure Hong Kong High Court judgement from 2002. An NPA spokesperson confirmed that they looked closely at this judgement, and that their failure to acknowledge the source of their 'wisdom' was an 'unfortunate oversight'.

They took two weeks to copy someone else's judgement, and couldn't do it well enough for people not to notice? See the full story here.

Also, for everything that is wrong with the NPA decision, see Mark Gevisser's piece from the weekend M&G here. He wrote MacBeki's bio, which is long but good. The revised edition with everything from the end of 2007 should be a cracking read. He's turning into a great political commentator. Right up there with my hero Steven Friedman.

1 comment:

Greg said...

Eish eish eish eish eish eish eish.