Monday, 20 April 2009

How to make friends and influence people

Well if Phil isn't going to be the one posting political links, I may as well...

I haven't got any insights to add really, except that the new DA and VF posters lining our streets since this weekend appear to have taken white politics right back to 1999. For those oorsee, the DA's say 'Stop Zuma' on an alarming red background, and the VF have a 'Stop Crime' slogan beneath a picture of a white lady with a black hand covering her mouth. But if the ANC rally is anything to go by, they could easily achieve the 2/3s majority that they're after.

Anyways, what I really wanted to add are these two links (here's one and here's another) to soundclips of Jesse Duarte being a complete and utter bitch. the first is in an interview with the 'colonialist' BBC and the second is in a telephone interview with a subversive 'third force' journalist from the Times who would be a racist if he weren't black.


Greg said...

Hectic. The Times must have the slowest webpage on the whole web.

Dr Phil said...

she isn't a very good spokesperson is she?