Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Decisions Decisions....

For those who are still undecided which way they are going to swing come April 22nd and are looking for a bit of inspiration... Here is a little electioneering fun. Gives some interesting results :)


Dr Phil said...

ya it gave me four options, all kak. one of them was AZAPO!

Kez said...

give it a bit of room - it is an online quiz so very little room for grey :) Who was your number one option?

Dr Phil said...

the problem isn't the quiz but rather the choice of parties and what they stand for. I got DA, COPE, AZAPO and someone else all equal top 4 choices. I'm a confused right wing tree hugger.

Greg said...

It works then.

Alex said...

I know now that I MUST NOT work for government or the ANC...