So now I have a chance to blog, and as always share some random articles that I've come across.
Some of you may have heard that in a couple of years you're gonna need a set top box (basically a decoder) to watch any tv (even SABC) in South Africa. This is because in line with the direction the rest of the world is taking, we're moving to a complete digital format. There are many reasons including greater language coverage, freeing up of spectrum for telecoms services and developing the electronic manufacturing sector. There's also a lot of critisism for the project. Basically it's an ambitious project that will affect most people in SA, so if you're interested read more here
In the global financial world there are more and more people predicting that the US is gonna have to take on too much debt to fund all these rescue packages, and ultimately the economy will falter. See here.
Following on Phil's article on Pitchfork, I was reading this review for Esau Mwamwaya and Radioclit. Sounds interesting, there's a BLK JKS collaboration, and the album is a free download.
When I get home I expect these albums to be waiting for me in the post:

And finally a shameless plug. For those living in Jozi my sister has just opened a gift store with some rad xmas gifts. See the article in the times. It's in the Park centre on Jan Smuts in Parkwood. Park cafe next to them also serves great coffee.
The Findi's up but the Alsi's down. The world is not coming to an end, only the mining sector and a couple of hedge funds.
Have a great weekend y'all
that mwanwaya radioclit thing is a major massive totally overhyped dissapointment. maybe if you've never ever heard a proper african muso's choons you'd be excited. but i was just let down.
Ja, definitely not worth the hype in the review. Listening to it now, a bit throw-away, but still quite fun.
Oh ja, and my CDs still haven't arrived :-(
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