Chill Fran! Its a joke.
Obama fever has hit here too. Anyone that has been to Sydney knows that Campos makes the best coffee in the world, but i dont drink so much anymore 'cos i'm living sensible in the run up to 30. Jokes, i'm just sick of having the shakes before 8am. Anyway, i went there the other day to get my fortnightly cup of excellence, and saw they have an Obama blend! Check it. The write up is pretty funny too.
Anyway, so i know he is the saviour of the modern world and everything, and could beat Chuck Norris in an arm wrestle and helps old ladies across the road, etc. but like, isn't he a politician? I guess he is way better than the alternative, but he's still human, and a member of one of the most crooked fraternities on earth. Ja, ja, you could argue the 'change politics from the inside' story, but thats kak, everyone has an agenda. I guess I'm just worried by the hysteria, because NOBODY can live up to the hype.
Anyway, as you were...
Obama's gonna lose. You read it here first.
Dude you drink 1 cup every two weeks? HAHAHAHAHAHA. Being 29 must suck.
I'm still 28.
Not for long my son.
Whatever koos, the point is, YOU start drinking an espresso for every cup of instant, or plunger, or drip filter coffee you drink at the moment, and then we'll see who's getting too old. That shit makes you crazy man, crazy!
the italians i have met are, by and large, not crazy. admit it man you are just a little girl in an old man's body.
I wasnt talking about Italians, i was talking about you.
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