Deputy Prez: Kgalema Motlanthe (Mr Moderate; will be our next state prez if Zuma goes to jail)
National Chair: Baleke Mbethe (Speaker of Parliament, apparently only nominated because they were concerned about gender representation. Tokyo turned down his nomination for this position)
Secretary General: Gwede Mantashe (Former NUM leader; avowed Marxist; the 'new Netshitenze')
Dep Sec Gen: Thandi Modise (daughter of Joe Modise, former defence minister who presided over the arms deal)
National Treasurer: Mathews Phosa (former Mpumulanga Premier)
Of course now we wait and see what happens with the corruption charges. If he does go to jail all eyes on Motlanthe, whom we seem to know rather little about. Other than that he is yet another former union man and economic lefty, who likes Cuba.
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