Friday, 25 May 2007

If that doesn't work, maybe this will...


Greg said...

Cool, Biby sounds AWESOME! Would love to visit his/her page and download some malware!

Greg said...

ps... the video doesnt work Paul. Mebbe reinsert it, or paste the link? Nice.

Paul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul said...

Can you guys view it now?

Alex said...

Hi - no sound but senery looked cool and imagined that you were telling us about being on top of a mountain in Peru? Anyway I am impressed with your you-tubing abilities. Bye!

Kez said...

Hey! Ama-zing! I can hear the sound fine, maybe Al's cambodian connection was a bit dodge.
Now that you've proved you can post video, we are going to want to see more of your trip please!