So anyways, I'll be going with Al to Thailand and Cambodia for a few weeks and then back to SA for about a month, and then possibly back to Sydney for a job. The job was looking really good a few weeks ago, but all of a sudden the people aren't contacting me anymore and i think it might be going down the shitter, which i don't really care too much about. There might be some opportunities in Cape Town to work off my time with Sasol, and i would just as happily do that. I wont be moving to Sasolburg or Secunda under any circumstances though. Ever. Not for all the money in the world. If the past four years have taught me anything its that you have to take responsibility for your own happiness (Life Coaching Rule #1) and part of that is being in a place that makes you happy. It astounds me that ANYONE could actually choose to live in a dump like Sasolburg or Secunda, but then I'm from the parts of South Africa were Apartheid actually ended.
So that's kind of my life for the next few months, and this blog post isn't nearly as creative as i had hoped. In fact its quite boring. Anyhoo, hopefully i will have lots to write about from thailand.
Keep it real homies, and see most of you in a few weeks (including Nas who will be meeting us on a beach in Thailand for many beers!)!
CONGRATULATIONS DUDE!!! We out west are mightly impressed!
Waas expecting the sms I got this am to be this pic on the blog, but instead got a blurry pic of the harbour?? But glad you had the good sense to take a pic with the "baby" :)
Chat soon!
The baby? in the harbour? wtf is going on here? and if you're referring to the thesis as the baby, then what do we make of all the constipation talk?
Ja man! I had a picnic with nathan and mary on the harbour with a good view of the brisge, so i took a picture for you because i know how much you love seeing picture of sydney, but i have had another look at the picture, and the bridge looks more like a smudge than a bridge really, so apologies for the confusion.
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