Tal and I saw this sign and we thought why bloody not! Charge it to your credit card, have fun, have another drink, go on an adventure, buy a new pair of shoes, save the world, stop living with guilt and the attitute of "I really shouldn't" because you will regret it later and because as the billboard says..."because you deserve it" and after all, all good advice comes from advertisers and life coaches...
Oh and I got my scholarship from the British Council (The Chevening Scholarship - All expenses paid - woo hoo!) confirmed yesterday (because I deserve it!) so Edinburgh here I come! I also entered the lottery yesterday, as I was having a good one, but clearly I didn't deserve $10 million yet...
Awesome ally. You DO deserve it. Excnt news indeed.
So bladdy well done. You will grow to love haggis and deep fried mars bar, i am sure.
I will never grow to love haggis 1) because it contains gluten 2) because it is disgusting and 3) because I wouldn't want to prey on poor, stupid creatures who have three legs and run round mountains anti-clockwise if legends are to be believed. G-free mars bars maybe...
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