Having seen most of Talyas productions (sitting in the back row with my broken SA flag) i can say without a hint of bias, that it is long overdue, and well deserved. We are all VERY proud of our Tals! And we can all say we knew her when...
This entry was the work of both Alex in Melbourne (with the news) and Greg in Sydney (with the internet connection).
Go you good thing! Fahkin bloody rippah mayte. Well done tally, well done indeed!
On a separate note, can anyone tell me why when I navigate to our blog it presents 17 Feb as the latest post? I have to click on February or 2007 on the right hand side to get this stuff... Anyone else having that problem?
Nope, only you. Are you using Firefox or IE? Do you have the new IE?
Well done Tally! You are brilliant!
Firefox of course. It's sorted now... Bru Joburg is so fuckin dumb. The bill for Diplo has about 500 different acts over 3 floors at Carfax. Check at the crap we have to live with http://www.jhblive.co.za/live/events_view.jsp?event_id=108931
Holy macaroni! Besides that car crash of a flyer, when has Diplo ever had a major release on Ninja Tunes? or Big Dada for that matter?
If i was talking to the promoter, i would be all like "are you high???
I said, are YOU HIGH???
Damn son, you high!"
Congrats Tal!!! That is very exciting and well deserved! When do you find out???
And boys, go find another post to blah blah about jozi gigs and let Tally bask in her glory here :)
hey kerry, fran and dr phil
thanks so much! ja, i'm really_ excited by it and mostly just cos i've been considered. I don't think I'll actually get it(it's on the 1st of april -and i'm in the States)
but its cool to put on the resume now!!!
hey kerry, fran and dr phil
thanks so much! ja, i'm really_ excited by it and mostly just cos i've been considered. I don't think I'll actually get it(it's on the 1st of april -and i'm in the States)
but its cool to put on the resume now!!!
I was wrong! His first album was actually released on Big dada, something i may have picked up had i actually paid for it!
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