Friday, 19 January 2007

rock on!

Feeling very proud of myself after my feeble but exciting achievement yesterday afternoon... I went climbing at Peers Cave (above Fish Hoek)- ropes, chalk and everything! Managed to climb an almost vertical (admittedly not very high but ssshhh) rock face, but didn't quite make it over the overhang. But I was excused as the newbie :) I'm blaming it on climbing in jeans - no easy feat I tell you. This pic is how the professionals do it at Peers Cave - need something to aspire to right? For some reason I can't insert it into my post so you get a link, sorry.
Finally get what all these climbers I seem to be meeting at the moment are on about -I loved it!
OK, back to work for me :)

1 comment:

Greg said...

Cool man. Rock climbing wearing a harness isnt fun is you have nuts.